
Happy Monday.

With Mondays come the beginning of a new week and time to learn something new. With that being said. I have questions I would like to learn the answers to.

  1. Why does my 3-year-old insist on pretending he is a dog? He does not want to use a spoon in order to eat his cereal in the mornings and has now requested to eat in a “dog cage” (laundry basket). He crawls around on all fours and barks and smiles the whole time.
  2. Why are humans such disgusting creatures? Have you actually ever watched someone inseminate a turkey before??? WHAT. THE. FUCK! I watched a video this morning, a human actually sucks the semen from a tom in order to impregnate the female turkey. Nope. Do not want that job.
  3. Why is everyone so obsessed with making others happy? Somehow people have forgotten how to live for themselves and make themselves happy. It doesn’t matter what aspect it is, everyone is always trying to please someone else, never themselves. Work, appearance, thoughts, opinions, what they own, what they don’t own, their political party, their religion.

As of right now, my thought process has brought me to the following conclusions.

  1. He wants to be a dog because what an easy life that would be! Eating when you want, shitting outside or where ever you please, sleeping twenty hours out of the day if that’s what is wanted and never having to wear pants! Maybe I should try out that lifestyle for a while.
  2. I honestly have no answers for this. Why would anyone think it was okay to suck the semen from a turkey, or any animal for that matter. People are just gross. Which, eating an animal is gross so it makes sense. I have not always been a vegan, but once I actually learned the facts and knew where everything comes from and how harmful animal products were to humans I made a quick switch. These people who are doing this to these poor defenseless animals are raping them, and it’s okay. It is legal rape we are performing on animals so people can get protein…since ya know, EATING A FUCKING ANIMAL IS THE ONLY WAY TO OBTAIN PROTEIN!
  3. This answer is so clear and I am not sure why everyone doesn’t see it. If anyone has any thoughts on this I would love to hear them. The media and government has inflicted everyone with their brainwashing and shown what a “normal” person should look and act like. Go to work for 40 hours a week. Be skinny. Own a home. Be married. Have two children, no more and no less because anything other than two is abnormal and an abomination.

In short, be kind to all living beings. Live your life for you. Be humble and help take care of others. If everyone had the mentality of living life to be happy the world would be a much better place. For one day, be a puppy. Play, have fun, nap, do not worry about what society says you should do. Today, I am going to live for me. I am going to do what makes me happy. I suggest everyone should do the same!

Do something great today and rock the fuck on!

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