I literally can’t.

Ok, so here is a little back story. While I am on my self exploration journey and avoiding being an adult I am working in a porn store. I mean, what could be more fun than playing dildos all day, right??? Back to the story, the store I work in has an arcade (porn viewing booths). First off, apparently these men don’t realize that pornhub is free and you don’t have to blow your load all over a floor that probably has 30 years worth of DNA on it.

Normally this arcade is super busy and I avoid it at all costs because the things that happen in there no one wants to see…ever! I was bored as fuck and staring at the security camera screen watching the cars go by. Well, apparently, my eyes shifted and I looked at the arcade hallway camera! I instantly lost my shit.

Some ogre in standing in the hallway in front of another mans booth peeking in. He had his dick in his hand… masturbating to this other guy playing with his penis. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. All five foot of me stomped back there and completely lost my shit. So I am standing in the middle of this hallway surrounded by 16 booths full of men inside them blowing loads all over the walls.

I instantly told this twat that he needs to get his micropenis in a god damn booth. He’s probably lucky that his penis didn’t extend past his hand and I couldn’t see it. So I stomp out go stand at the counter and eat a box of Girl Scout cookies, because I’m pissed off at the world, obviously. Then my phone rings…. it was one of the most exciting calls of my life and made me forget all about the camera stroker!

Even though I still wanted to throat punch the cunt muffin when he walked out the door.

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