Today’s adventure…

On Thursday nights I bartend and close. Well, last night apparently everyone thought it would be fun to stay until close. So here I am thinking to myself that close is at 1am and I have to be to work at the porn store at 8am. Well. Fuck my life.

I got home about 1:30am and took my pills, took my pants off and crawled into bed. First, my dog climbs in my bed and slept sideways so I had about a foot of bed to sleep on. Then my youngest wanted to be snuggled at 3am. So then I have even less bed space. So while I am in my 6 inches of bed I slept for the next 3 hours. 6am my alarm is ringing as loud as can be.

I stumble out of bed, brush my teeth and head for the shower. I get out and realize that I forgot to rinse the conditioner out of my hair. So back in I go. Once I am finally clean and rinsed I head to the kitchen to turn on the Keurig and put my donut shop pod in and went to throw some clothes on while my coffee brewed. Somehow I forgot that I already did that. So I pushed start again and brewed a 12 ounce cup of coffee in my 14 ounce cup. This wouldn’t have been an issue except there was already 12 ounces in it!

Needless to say, my counter was covered in scalding hot coffee. I didn’t even care at that point. I grabbed my coffee and headed to the bedroom to finish my hair and makeup. I drank my coffee and thought I was doing great. Until I got outside and realized that I only put mascara on one eye. WTF?!

So now all my children have been dropped off at school and I have a 10 hour day ahead of me. Wish me luck. I may sleep on a pile of lingerie in the corner if I don’t get customers soon!

I’ll let you know if I have any camera strikers today. I know that’s the highlight of the day.

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